Are you over 18: Yes Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone: Yes What is the link to your steam profile:...
Thank god! I was being such a diva.
He is Varitas - Varitas on the RSI forums. So I think it is him!
NICE! Gratz!
Applied :)
...It says we have to have a squad playing a game before we can join.
I heard elite dangerous was almost impossible to actually play online. Is that still true?
Hey guys. A squad of us started playing again last night. I think we got a couple of recruits out of it too. Come join us in the "other fps"...
All records reviewed and accepted. Welcome to XoO.
Looks a bit yawning but still better than Guns of Icarus.
yea I figured. You just need to move to the states.
Every night after 9pm EST.
Need to come play Verdun. WWI Rifles!
Seems to be the new thing with mmos. I think rift was the last one to have a real open beta and that was just because they sent out so many keys.
Was thinking about playing open beta but don't know if I want to deal with the Korean to English crap.
I dont know which one is your team. They both have creepy eagles.
Woo! Go erock! Win or lose you get to finally play games with us.
Mozilla Noscript. Game on.
lol. What malware do you have?
You can get it for 37 on right now. The site sounds sketchy but I've bought about...