The fate of most good multiplayer games.
If you are going to buy the game at least don't preorder it. Wait for the suckers to put out the reviews and see if its worth it.
I would love to play it but have decided to not support EA ever again.
I see they realized ben affleck is terrible so they masked his voice lol
EA and DICE can EAD.
WONDERFUL! Ordered my 970gtx today.
Wrong thread boss.
I've been keeping an eye on reviews, I haven't bought it yet, and people are saying they did a good job on PC.
We have a lot of members with 7 Days to Die. We played it A LOT back when it was first released on early access but it was rather buggy if you had...
I know the feeling. I went through the same thing, along with about half the FPS division, until enough was enough.
I'm interested in this but waiting for it to get a bit more along in development. Once everyone stops saying "this game has LOTS OF POTENTIAL" and...
Depends on how easy it is to blow shit off ships. Thats my biggest annoyance with the SH. It's a beast but you can blow off a gun, wing, or an...
Truth. Don't forget to fly into dangerous space so you can pay us to protect you.
I wish my super hornet package wasn't my access package.
1xS4 APOC DeathBallistic Gatling This is a friggin A-10 Warthog.
I'll try the game out again but I'm just tired of downloading 25gigs just to be able to play for 5minutes until the game consistently crashes or...
I am no longer going to play a game where 99% of the reviews start with "Has a lot of potential".
I will let the people with time to test take care of the alpha, and probably most of the beta, while I take care of other things. I.E. camelot...
And Star Citizen just proves my point :) It's pretty much unplayable or unenjoyable 90% of the time.
Even for free I don't think I want to fuck around with an indy alpha.