Been waiting for this game for years now. Will definitely do my best to make the meeting.
Game looks pretty epic but I'm having a really hard time getting over the character models and animations. Hopefully they work on that.
I appreciate that FF but I'll admit there's plenty of places to share my personal experience and research on the subject that are more fitting. I...
After some thought, I can see where you're coming from Blackice. It's hard not to be passionate about something thats improved your life for the...
I'm almost afraid to admit I made it through the whole locomia one. Facebook official though.. about 25%.
scary part is imagining the people that fall for it.
Some funny perspective. BJrgC34vt7o
this looks like my kind of movie
Cool little video on kava. "Dr. Lebot says kava is not the problem, it is the chemicals used to create the pills." - No side effects on liver...
I'm just going to take this down, while I hold Kava dear to my heart I can understand its not the place to share. It's an interesting plant at the...
Imagine its pitch black out in the African wilderness and this dude starts roaring in your vicinity. hah. They say these big cats roar can...
Yeah same, I really don't even like Zoo's because I can't stop thinking the animals are just caged up prisoners, its pretty depressing. I support...
woah what a trip doc, I was just gunna post that video in here. Someone posted it on Rogan forums and I just had this vision of what would...