I like refried beans. That's why I wanna try fried beans, because maybe they're just as good and we're just wasting time. You don't have to fry...
A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice. - Bill Cosby
Lol, when I imagine AI billions of times smarter than humans I immediatly think Prime Directive gets side lined if the robot see's fit. I guess...
After watching Transcendent Man, I now believe anything is possible. The future is going to be gnarly ladies and gentlemen. Reading brain waves...
New Miike Snow has pretty weird video.. really cool song too. nzxYUsnZV6M
shrug, I've gotten some good deals there, I've seen their prices around the newegg mark at times, but never really overpriced. They have really...
Haha funny stuff, lets be honest though, thats pretty average. There are vids of random people out on the street being asked these type of...
Sept. 8 1986... Take my breath away NEOem7U2LPE
This place has crazy good deals, especially if you live close enough to pick it up. http://www.microcenter.com/index.html
Oh, good to know, I was wondering about this.
Haha, I knew Twi was gunna get at that post, knew it!
I think its a dude.. look at the face.
Yeah this is a show and I just realized how long that trailer is wow. Oh well, its been out in australia for some time now and HBO just adopted...
I am almost positive that you are reading too literally on all that. Common sense sort of gives you the answers to the misinformation....
You talking about buying more than one account? I don't get it. Regardless, I don't think anyone really bases whether to pre-order or even get...
Aight, pre-ordered the Digital Collectors Edition.. the extra $10 seems worth it. :)
I think it's pretty safe to assume that yes, pre-ordering from anywhere will grant the early access and name register.
I bet thats gunna be awesome, have fun man.