From the last steam sale I racked up a bunch of steam coupons I'm happy to share with folks who want them: 25% off Dead Island 25% off Assassin's...
Holy crap Isurus is back! *Checks off another item on the list of signs of the end times* -KM
tried again lately? they've pushed a few more patches and I'm actually enjoying playing again. -KM
Still enjoying my current title much better :) -KM
Considering the current telepresence market is looking for $15000 or more for their systems... our's is downright cheap in comparison.
Once more my companies product hit's the news :)...
Congrats Areli! And remember, Drive that harley!! -KM
It's not IWTBTG ergo it's not the hardest game ever. -KM
Cool, I think myself if I were to approach the topic would look more at the psychological aspects of challenge, risk, and reward and if it is...
I am curious about your thesis Yiz, please explain. -KM
I'm up for it tonight, I got the game as well. -KM P.S. Shield + Element = landmines of that spell element, I like healing mines myself.
Might go for a day... we'll see.... -KM
How about this please don't do this, cause people who have these things blind my ass when they are behind me on the highway and I wouldn't want to...