Well my plan is to have at least two toons, my legacy mage and a newbie toon as well so :) -KM
So that's at least 3 of us playing the game... neat -KM
Yeah, I missed that too when I purchased it, but as I've never been one to overclock my stuff I think I'll be fine as is. The next obvious...
Managed to finagle another 8GB of ram out of the deal since they just posted a promo on the board I bought... so 16gb total! Yay! New ram is:...
Yeah, leadership shifted and the newer folks were always friendly. Hell I remembered them as friendly back when we still had our LS too though.......
Ahhh... FFXIV... I'll be playing it again come 2.0 and the alpha if I'm in. I've been playing with a LS called counting sheep on balmung, good...
I've been lead to believe it can be OC'd to around 4Ghz stable without voltage or cooling changes, but we'll see how it handles in general before...
- ASRock Z77 Extreme4 LGA 1155 Intel Z77 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard - Intel Core i5-3570 Ivy Bridge 3.4GHz (3.8GHz Turbo Boost)...
This is possible? Explain how!
I'll give the nvidia config a swing too once my new card arrives as it will definately render my CPU the bottleneck of my system for performance. -KM
Vid card order placed... now to find someone to take my old card off my hands... hint hint wink wink nudge nudge... -KM
Let's also add that my max resolution on my monitor is 1680 x 1050 so I'm not needing to power something insane. -KM
There a better choice for the same relative price range? Keep in mind I am a Nvidia addict. -KM
200ish p.s. Ohai!
I likely will be though unsure of the amount of time, got a bunch of things planned, but hit me up on steam and if I'm there I'll respond.
So I'm thinking about upgrading my video card from the old GTS 8800 to a GTX 660, any thoughts and anyone interested in the old card on the cheap?...
I've got the first two versions of Blazblue, the first version of Marvel vs. Capcom 3, and possible access to the Persona 4 Arena Game, I...
From what I've been hearing solo in this one is going to be really tricky. -KM
So dare I ask who's playing and shall we try to get a group together to play though? I'm running as Zero myself, enjoying the fact that I could...
hit me up on steam and I'll hand them out :) -KM