I know, great news. I figure I'm going to end up having to get my hands on an oculus at some point to use with my omni when the time comes. till...
I'll let you guys know how my Omni is when I get it in Janurary :) <--Kickstarted for it.
It's running quite well, gameswise, mostly FFXIV:ARR and some assorted steam titles, and yup still in Nashua. -KM
Ok, flipped the OC switch in my BIOS and I do gain about 400MHz, however the cost appears to be about a 5 degree bump in my cpu temp bringing me...
This is what my system is currently running at: [IMG] I believe I have the no-k OC on in my bios but I'll have to doublecheck. wish there were...
According to the manufacturer of my mobo it can OC the locked processor, if you have any familiarity what should I try given I currently only have...
So here in lies the question, do I want to even bother considering overclocking? -KM
allow me to rephrase, I'm letting it do whatever the heck it wants by default, or basically stock in my books....
Stock at the moment, I'm hesitant to OC since I'm not hurting for processor cycles. -KM
Basicly I got 8GB when I initially bought the cpu and mobo, but the next day they started a promotion for 8gb of free ram and I managed to wrangle...
All the hardware save for the case was from my old box so while I would agree that now I would spend the funds on the newer card that wouldn't be...
http://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/comments/1hqu8c/build_complete_i5_3570_evga_660_rebuild_project/ PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by...
Adamantoise with our beta toons, Sargatanas with our legacy toons once the transfers happen. -KM
I prefer the non-twitch component, hell I was having a hard time keeping up with WoW's pace, and I was breaking mice just trying to keep up with...
I'm interested -KM
If my main gaming system wasn't down due to having moved this last weekend I'd be updating now. -KM
My toon was on Balmung before so I vote for it as well. -KM
Helps that I won't have the issue of being behind the leveling curb, I'm at 50 already :) -KM
I'm officially going TDD in the game, love the lore and the art style on them...
I'm in for $30 so why the heck not eh?