What they mean is tell us a little about yourself What you do, What classes etc you did on WOW, Other games played (doesnt have to be anything...
Can i just add you instead :P TF2 hook me up sometime,...
Oh god, Ill allow metal aslong as you never post any band with a retarded name like I cry myself to sleep or I am ze emos Anyways welcome,...
Depending on what it uses, Windows XP use to have an addon for office that would decrypt standard text from ______ language to ______ but it wasnt...
Well heres where you are totaly wrong. I picked up one for 4.99 out of a local PC shop and trust me for that pirce it was 1 of the best ive...
Starcraft is a huge game, They are mad not to make expansion for it. A really good example of this is Command And Conquer by EA, Hell they could...
G15 V1 has 12, V2 has 6 but V2 looks a hell of alot sexier if you ask me
Im one of these guys who know the keyboard off by heart and like bigger key spacing to feel my way around the keyboard, Some of the cheap ones are...
This version didnt have a flying cow :P Hope everythings back to normal for you soon
How good is the G15, Im conimplating ordering on next week
Buy a DJ type headset, Big huge pading for you ears, These will be more comfertable after 10+ hrs of constant use, I started with little plastic...