Sending you a PM.
Glad to see a friend of Beorr's. We are during interviews throughout the day with officers being off and on, but we will definitely be on prior to...
Hey jetman82. Sending you a PM.
@ER - I'm hoping he has gotten back with you by now. If not, let's deny due to no response.
Hey Kioto, Current XoO members in good standing don't have to go through the interview process (though you are welcome to do so anyway in order...
Hey Phalanx. INice app. I love getting DAoC vets. I'm sending you a PM about setting up a TS interview.
Hey Taap, Your application looks good and I'd like to set you up with a Teamspeak interview. I'll be sending you the information in a PM....
That's interesting that you like farming (not my thing personally, but I do like having gold, so I can understand why you like it. :) I'm...
One of our recruitment officers will respond about getting a Teamspeak interview with you soon. Just something for you to think about if you do...
Hey cuddler! The only thing I see that might be an issue is that you only play 10-15 hours/week. What will likely happen is that the majority of...