Glad to have you rejoin XoO. I'm sending you a PM.
Hi. Glad to have another friend of Prime's join. I'm sending you a PM.
Hey, you are already a member Zwinge, so we are glad to have you along. No need to apply.
Please register your own login. While I understand you play together and getting you in will be easy, we need for you to have your own identity on...
Interviewed before the application AND still got an awesome application. Accepted!
Hi Alya. Neat to see a GW1 XoO member returning. I'm sending you a PM.
Rune gave interview and accepted her. :)
Bumgrabber is having issues with TS. I "spoke" with her and her wife Cuddler today on TS via text chat. Cuddler's voice is also not working now....
I'm just going to assume he was accepted since he is accepted in-game and you said "Done". :) Moving thread to Accepted forum.
Denying w/o prejudice due to lack of response.
Sorry ER, I actually took care of this, but didn't update the forum. Doing that now.
So is this application one that we did very quickly because you were already being interviewed on Teamspeak or something? If not, I'd ask that you...
Great application. I'm sending you our TS information so you can jump on sometime today and get an interview from one of our officers.
Sending you a PM.