I hope the crafting ability in this game goes as well as they say it will be. It would be definately nice to have a new crafting system that is...
Looks interesting, signed up for beta as well.
Hrm, this game looks pretty interesting, I think i'll be checkingi nto this.
1. What is your name? (First name only) James 2. Your focus (i.e Crafter/PvPer/Mixed) Mixed (heavy crafter, as long as the system isn't screwed)...
Flagging system looks interesting, but I'm really looking forward to the crafting skills...I would love to be able to be a full time crafter and...
Well, from the dev posts I saw, they didn't ask for PC specs because there is no way to verify that that is YOUR real specs, instead of someone...
Definately get 64bit OS, if not you cannot utilize the full potential of your system.
Yeah, I wouldn't trust Craigslist for that kind of thing either, how fragile those things can be I just wouldn't feel comfortable getting one from...
It's another way for them to make some cash, haven't you noticed how much they do this sort of thing? They are masters of marketing, I guarantee...
Intel, they're also the controls of hardware currently, so I would definately go with them.
Okay, just read the thread and there will be more DFO copies being sold tonight at some time. I cannot wait and I hope the rest of you are as...