it will likely be scifi themed. this has been known for a while. a blizz person was asked a while back if they thought a sci-fi mmo could...
hes joking. we love quebec.
in anycase, the fact they told *NO ONE* about it, in NY of all places.... shows there is someone very *special* in a big chair somewhere
*evil glare* damn your good fortune :P so, AOC people, care to enlighten me as to desireable classes? the Xotli-mage person and the aura-tank...
well. this is going more or less as i expected. -you have to sit around and wait sooooooo long for the client to verify before you can play,...
the swine flu is vastly overblown, its like that SARS outbreak again. "SARS IS COMING!!!! WERE ALL GONNA...
aha, well hello hello, i am a man of my word, and as i promised in the AOC servers shutdown/AOC is dead topic, i shall try this trial.... on...
crrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppppppppp! i didnt notice SCII untill after i voted D: add me to that list if you can
*shrugs* its not a big deal really you insult our military on a late night show... we boo your anthem at a sports event... in a week youll do...
well all yous dont blame me when the nerd riots start. TREKKIES ANGRY! SMASH STUPID MOVIE! RAGGGGGGGH!
its a hype to sell more antiviruses, nothing more
finally! sanity. :rolleyes:
signed up Long Time Ago
has anyone else seen the trailer for this one? the new star trek movie the first thought that came to mind was "why?why?why?why?why?why?WHY?!...
its just not possible, regardless of what they say, im no expert on Onlive, but i do know how our little series of tubes works, and theres no way...
its *not* funny though. which is why we are offended. i watch/listen to loads of comedy, a fair portion of which is anti-somthing, this includes...
i saw the title and thought you were talking about twilight, or eragon XD but i realized those were just BAD, and not amazing at all
wiki'd that did ya? because if you had any formal education on the subject youd know that that a fallacy can never be applied validly, thats what...
ad hominem, logical fallacy, you cannot prove your point by insulting me, though feel free to sink lower. since you clearly have so little weight...