lol, you people have been talking about eve's learning curve... how has this not come up? [img] ive played eve for about five years... its my...
heres hoping!
people still complain because its still bull! :P
its a prosthetic, of course XD
saw this, thought id share [img]
*glare* my month! you cant have it o_o
feb7 (bday ^_^)
Intel Core i7 9GB of DDR3 RAM 2x 1TB SATA-II AHCI enabled HDDs Radeon HD 4870(1gb, built in command proc) 30' 50000:1 contrast ratio monitor...
stupid 'siffy' channel
and of course, you own nothing, >_> so they can freely discontinue games that you were in the middle of and just credit your account
wasn't this topic dead? im sure i recall it being dead. infact, im quite certain it was dead its a dud technology that going to get everyone...
*ahem* [img] [img] [img] [img]
first time i got level 200 on PSO ah, the memories
they made promises. they lied. thats a fact (unless they change their mind of L4d2). what more do you need? there is no good reason for it,...
yea, does suck compared to modern mmos.... but keep in mind XI is *not* a modern mmo... its one of the old school, the first gen, hell, it didnt...
@ jeb, i like it personally. but ive always preferred joysticks to d-pads @ nep. if your running windows, they do.
i have one! the bastards at logitech said it wasnt out in canada yet! but they liiiiiiied! PS. its awsome
BUT, its crap that most mmo-players play. why waste money on 'great' when good sells better?
Eve Online :P
colbert report is kinda subverted though, since conservatives dont realize hes joking also, lol! @ the merge with france comment. they are...