you can play as a space marine in the 40k MMO else the fans will kill it, with fire.
lol, true, but a skull-faced chaplain ranting fire and brimstone while smoting heretics, orks, and anything else that comes into arms reach is...
incorrect, you are thinking of the Dark Angel's Chapter, who are hunting the 'Fallen Angel' traitors of their Chapter. the Black Templars are a...
its a movie video game, only in MMO form. will fail.
Heretic! Get him!!
i am also a huge 40k fan.... and i hope it lives up to its source material. Ave Imperator!
you mean .net right? the .com site is nothingness. and im cautiously optimistic, i hope its good. im worried they will tone the setting down...
im amazed how calmly he handled that... i would have defiantly said something ill-advised.
i once got a trace hit from a chinese IP when i was researching that big damn they built for my world issues course back in highschool. frankly,...
Ragnarok had the same effect.
it was a peice of crap when i had it, kept it for a week, then returned it in a irate rage. but apparently they have fulfilled their promise to...
i quit because its a one-strategy failure. it looks nice, its quite awsome in fact. but there is one way, and one way only to win in...
Kara No Kyoukai Karas (youve seen that vid already) and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann its a serise, but...
i think its completely impossible to make a good anime hollywood movie. Akira would become a hallow, storyless succession of CG action.
quote from the gates of Hollywood's studio district: "Abandon All Hope, Yee Who Enter Here"
god i hope not! itll be bad... very, very bad. ive always considered the anime side of my childhood pretty much beyond the grasp of greedy...
Current Specs: Intel Core i7-920 9 GB DDR3 RAM 2x 1TB SATA2 HDDs ATI Radeon HD5870 *cackles insanely*
facebook is evil, and will steal your soul. and kill your cat. escape while you can!
its been a while, so im not sure, but iirc. rechargeable batteries are worn down with constant use, the flow in, and flow out degrades the cell,...
lol nep and bah, thats cheating! you must max the cursor speed too! eventually anyway. though im glad to hear you got it sorted out, my mouse pad...