How did it fall? Hopefully you can get it back up and running sooner rather than later.
Just Cause 2 is $2.99 right now on Steam as part of the Holiday Sale.
Congrats everyone, well deserved!
Just a heads up. If you're not in beta, but still want to "reserve" your display name on the official WildStar forums here's how: 1) Goto:...
Thanks! WildStar is looking really good and I think we could put together a great division. I look forward to discussing it this Saturday.
Don't give in! Just wait for WildStar! ;)
I've heard that it's bad, really bad. However, I haven't seen it yet. It may be worth it just for the fighting scenes.
A long way indeed! Just imagine what will be around 30 years from now.
We should take a good look at WildStar and see if we can get that rolling.
As you know there is two faction polls, linked above, and one is a couple months old. It appears these are unofficial polls, but I could be...
Xen of Onslaught WildStar Threads Headcount Faction Poll Faction Poll #2 If you'd like a WildStar related thread posted here please let me know!
WildStar Overview Index: 1. What is WildStar? 2. What about the features? 3. What are the playable factions? 4. What races will I be able to...
More is better. :)
If you haven't already purchased Left 4 Dead 2 you can pick it up free via steam! You may need to launch the Steam client and click on 'Play Game'...
It was not fixed at the time I posted. I tried to manually change my avatar and it would not let me.
Yeah, please fix the avatars. :)
About time! :D
They are adding several characters that are not involved in the original book into the movie. Examples: Galadriel and Legolas. Do you guys think...
At least they have a sense of humor about it. New Released date: June 10th (International) and June 14 in North America. 5VFFR-5a-Ko