Our Children Will Never Know The Link Between The Two… [IMG] http://www.makeuseof.com/tech-fun/children-link/
[IMG] Comment :"I think you need to change the bark plugs."
The fantastic news I've been waiting for years has finally reached us : Arc System Works, the studio who created the Guilty Gear series of...
[IMG] http://star-jam.com/ggbb0122/index.html eVlB2_1XQoE You dreamt of it, they did it. All hail Ishiwatari the multi-talented...
They know how to part a fool and his money....
w06zvM2x_lw http://neurowear.net/ Fantastic product IMO. XznibGFPGHk
http://www.siliconera.com/2011/05/05/guardian-heroes-hits-xbox-360-with-online-co-op-and-remastered-graphics/ "The Xbox Live Arcade release is a...
Sylvester Stallone to Launch Men's Brand http://www.wwd.com/menswear-news/sly-stallone-takes-aim-at-fashion-3563345 Guess i'll know what...
Video: Turkish Man Saves Lives By Driving Away Flaming Fuel Tanker...
Excellent one. [IMG]
Even though M. Cameron has a heavily busy schedule for the next 4 years, as Avatar 2 & 3 are targeted for release at december 2014 and 2015...
[IMG] http://nerfnow.com/comic/450
... Break Glass [IMG]
[IMG] Gally illustrations are rare. Great ones are even harder to find. This is not a fan work ... It was made by none other than ......
Entirely fan-made. Motherfuckingly awesome to the 2-3 of us who know what this is about. nPv4fmVbNwc Thank you Italian guys, you are...
TKgeCQGu_ug I like this comment : <<How does Ari fit his balls into that car??>>
[IMG] Just noticed Philosoraptor doesn't know proper english. Well, the question is still interesting. What is your take on it ?
[IMG] Pretty neat, but how the hell do you counter the torque from the main rotor when hovering ? I finally guessed the answer, can you ?
g = 9.8m/s² Vo0Cazxj_yc