Holy amazing!
What is this, I don't even...
This, but I'll keep an eye on it either way.
DayZ standalone and Star Citizen!
I loved Cry1. It's MP was one of the most amazing FPS games I've ever played. Cry2 was a waste of time since it did away with everything I loved...
Signed up but not at all excited. Probably going Dunmer as well.
Not sure if there's a thread for this game. My friend is excited for this. (I'm not)...
Not excited for any of those =[
I've had chivalry for a while. Loved it. Now I'm learning all this about WoR and just bought that as well =X
Happy New Year XoO!
http://www.xoohq.com/threads/33523.Space-Simulator-genre-is-BACK-! I got the 250 deal.
Trying to set it up right now. Edit: Awesome. So much fun. Hilarity ensues during every DF game! Edit2: My life has been ruined by DF.