Listening to his combat explanation and his adamant hatred of stealth classes makes me not want to play. Daoc without stealth groups would have...
Rumors in game here. Tried it out with Rookie (Wildrookie) the other night. It's pretty fun.
Yeah, my gps was wonky as shit. I fixed it now. More or less. It's still iffy at times but nowhere near as bad. I haven't done a damn thing with...
Yeah =/ I understand. I've been playing with long time friends so we really don't care. We can do all the content except the end game raids so...
Yeah, the game has improved a hell of a lot over time though. For example last years forgotten realms expansion was pure amazing. All the new...
Bland? What? In what possible way is it bland? There are so many options avaliable, the combat is different on every single class you play. More...
Impossible. There's a reason I have been playing and still play DDO for the past god knows how many years. I freaking love it. One of the biggest...
Probably not going to bother because it's 4th edition. No, thanks. Atrocious butchering of DnD.
Shrug, about damn time. They have been disappointing for a while.
I got the invite a while ago but never bothered. Installed it today, going go try it out while walking to work. Edit: So far I absolutely hate...
There's always the option of running a really long HDMI cable. Assuming it's a long distance from your pc to your tv.
Yeah, stealther groups let's GO! *Daoc flash backs*
Lots of fancy words and promises. The usual marketing spiel. I remain skeptical and reserve judgement until open beta/launch.
Pirate Deadpool looks awesome!
That sounds extremely boring. I'd rather keep playing TL2 and TQ for this type of game.
[media] I saw the previews for this a while back. This is old footage but still.
lmao I guess you got me there. No, I did not. I do agree that it might be good news.
I miss him.
I'll beat you at it blindfolded. Good job being a dick. And to think I haven't met a single one in Xen yet. Pests are everywhere, I guess.