truth...especially when so many cameras and phones take vids now where's the twitter updates yo? i guess NJ is too used to mutants and other...
gambit's the shit. I was personally hoping they would do the history of Wolverine where he was developed near WW2 with Captain America; after all...
what Fox broadcasts bullshit news? nowai why this station or any of Murdoch's holdings have any respect is beyond my understanding outside of the...
meeeow pffft pffft
See this for explanation. It was just a joke on silly religions/ anti-religions attacking/protesting eachother.
i meant deja vu in that this post-sish was made prior to the wipe and i agreed with it then as i do now. incompatible universe: i disagree if...
/agreed part of the reason I was excited about Conan was the mature rating. last I remember the gaming market for PCs is in the mid 20s to the mid...
dejavu post. why is blood running out of my ears? oh wait im not supposed to remember that.
Only live ones i could find so far. Still lookin'.
as i stated yesterday...great find and fun site on the worst Star Trek show EVAH!
SCIENCE BE DAMMED! maxim is still a magazine? next you are going to find an great article in Stuff or something.
kind of makes you think of Commie in a new light doesn't it....and yet it all makes sense now too. god i miss that show.
/agreed unless they follow more of a Firefly/Babalon5/Farscape build where there are interesting characters and storyline that never enter...
CoV for me....eeeeee.....planning others dooom!
Who knew Commie was Stimpy and Stimpy was Commie
not bad for the price, but not worth it in my opin.
ah VO work....what a great job; especially when all you have to say is "Rated T for Teens" in your best serious man voice.
6 children..FFS i think i would head to Afghanistan not only for the peace and quiet but to stop makin' kids for 2 seconds. how many times has...
damn i have to try to recreate the magic.
I know it isn't a villan and I know it isn't viable in film but I would give my left nut to see the awesome comic segment of Batman vs Superman....