Did is more appropriate. At the time (as one of his origin stories goes), Wolverine, who is from Alberta, worked for the Canadian government to...
of course there is the micro black hole the LHC could produce which "theoretically" should be significantly harmless and disperse safely. Of...
lawls soo true
you guys are all silly billys. that is why there are other games out there....not one game is perfect for all players. some love WoW, some love...
best, and most truthful quote of the day.
very true how Nietzsche/entropic of you. :)
actually the car i had broken into the most was a junker cause it was super easy for them and passersby assumed thats how the car was.
i think there are two statements here: possible leaning towards and creating a socialist state? am i wrong in assuming this? anyone that is...
sorry to hear that mang...that blows. anything new, sellable and easy pocket and turn around will always be targets in the car. My wife learned...
true. of course when is the last time that a woman played the same roll in two or more batman films....they are like Bond girls.
echo: what?
of course...we all do /evilhands
sexual slurs??? <--- confused on my part i had to look up what "/b/tards" was. i knew /b/ but didnt know of it outside of the coding lang. Still...
but not the internets :( it's all or nothin' for me.
DC/Shoji; very well stated. Prior to making comments about either candidate please research the claims, their meanings and source prior to just...
FEAR and its current incarnate whose name I cant remember for me
if it is anything like the show the best weapon is the stun (two shots kills) pistol...that is what i would look forward to. ps:...
dash hilton everybody /clapclapcalptheclapclap
funny on so many levels
and there is your answer....you should call FOX