TS info sent
interviewed and accepted
interviewed and accepted waiting on pc parts/build before buying beta pack.
interviewed and accepted :) see ya in game
interviewed and approved.
ArcheAge! Rape Sloth Gliderz!!!
had gotten back into rising force online on a private server for a few months while waiting for TERA release. school schedule changed for spring...
How old are you?: 23 In-Game Name: Xeno/Azriel Do you have TS3 and a working mic?: Yes Previous Gaming Experience: WOW; WOI; LOL; RaiderZ; Aika...
off work today and tomorrow ^^
haha damn i gotta wait an extra day
its keept me up till 5am 2 days in a row now...and my crashing problem revolved around making decisions while viewing the board full zoom out or...
i figured out that actually eithe my game client or computer doesnt like thinking in strategic mode...so i just avoided doing thing there and...
i found it and default is every 10 turns. but i encountered a problem and that is (well at least on my laptop) i cant really use the strategic...
wish my laptop could play this better... :( tends to freeze/crash after 130+turn 6player solo games.. but limited graphics card and memory...
shes actually 13 years old now
i installed it last night and go sucked in for 8 hours..then it froze and i remembered i had forgot to save(wants an auto save XD) and decided 6am...
np glad i could help everyone out this thread actually reminded me to go pirate Civ myself which i spent a few hours today doing and thats where i...
multiplayer lan mode howto: - backup steamclient.dll - open steamclient.dll in any hex editor. - search for SKIDROW – first match at 0×31040...
awesome i was introduced learned and spun a little summer of '09, up in Vancouver, Wa (LMAO) im not that great can only do a few basic weaves and...