You are ignoring clock vs clock efficiency. 3ghz phenom 2 > 3ghz athlon x2 $/GB is secondary. First you determine your minimum requirements....
A bigger one is not more efficient. You have to look up it's efficiency rating. Less efficient ones will require more for the same output costing...
Yeah alot of stuff is rebranded seasonic. I would buy from them over most other ones because it will probably be cheaper and almost the same or...
which calc, remember power efficiency rating too. look for 80+, many today are even 90+ leave some headroom, power output can lower over time,...
if the screen itself is glossy then it will have better contrast. it will look nice, unless you have any lights on in your room or open a window....
550 is fine you cant crossfire anyways. x-25 intel ssd 40gb is enough, win7 is no more than 20gb, i dont know if you still follow the rule of 20%...
ITT: Talking about the best hardware for your $ in a topic about "The best hardware for your $" is off-topic.
Pi is always relevant. My comp does 1m digits in 26 seconds. Upgrading soon so should be closer to 20 seconds.
If you were previously a member you should apply for the xoo member group again. Then feel free to hop on ts and play even if someone hasn't...
I don't know how you can not understand this....but....if I wanted to get a cheap processor and I found two that were 100$(one regular price and...
I like pcper. Best way to buy though is to find the deals. I got a 940BE for 100$.
works fine from in client update
seems like something that should be posted on the main page where people will read it
There you go. Fixed it for you.
1. go to nearest store 2. find cheapest 3. buy it 4. try it you won't be able to read anything unless it is within 2 feet.
You're absolutely right man! I was clearly wrong for suggesting a free alternative to him. My bad man. How could I not have seen this???...
You don't need one. If you have, or have access to, any sort of video recording device in any form you can take that video and use the software to...
You can fake it by creating/using an already existing gif/avi/etc and playing it back using software that creates a video stream that appears to...
Yeah I know right? It's not like I kept saying, please control the spam before it gets out of control. It's not like we had the exact same...
people that say tween piss me off