However, in 2157, their actions caught the notice of the turians, who found human explorers reactivating an inactive mass relay known as Relay...
Well I was an Infiltrator/Vanguard, so.... Though I did throw Wrex in there a few times for the harder levels. I never really liked him though,...
You make me feel like I'm the only one who uses guns and not biotics :P Ashley and Garrus were always on my team lmao for precisely that reason....
DO NOT WANT. The new Ashley however....
No Titan? ): Some great gameplay footage, game looks...
Lmao you know what i mean, though I did grow to hate the crate layout from Wrex's armor mission.
No I liked the exploration aspect, it was driving the Mako on the stupid purely mountainous terrain that made it a chore to get to any of the...
Why thank you for turning it into a flame war, cause obviously it's too much to ask to stay civil. And as for the elevator scenes, yes I did hate...
Please tell me you're joking. Literally everyone hates using the Mako and exploring ridiculous terrain.
If you're good enough that is. Also can't stand the default male Shepard, I keep feeling like he's some ugly pitbull. I ended up making my own...
Bad luck? They were a reaction force dispatched to some Rangers who were already in trouble, maybe it was a bit rushed to give them a full escort...
I see you've cured your blindness ;)
Tried it, 14 day free trial, playing now. In game name is KnowYourFoe
It made the transition to GamersFirst a week or two ago, I think it's not f2p yet though
I tried it a few times, but no matter how much I wanted to I couldn't get into it, it just always felt a bit clunky to me. Like Fallout and Metro... Huzzah
I decided to read a review and they lost me at side scrolling :P
I can see my computer crashing after rendering the dirt :P Like Dragon Nest, but less anime (in some ways) and no prepubescent characters! -cough- Arimil Is anyone...