Is it allowed to cry in absolute horror after seeing the RL pictures?
This game is also for pc. I'm trying out the STO beta atm, its strangely interesting but I doubt I'm going to continue it when APB comes out. But...
*cackles* Definitly going to get that game. That dart gun sounds like a righteous piece of art - I'm usually a sneaky guy in these kind of games...
I don't see any pictures, might be my browser screwing up - I'll have a look into it
I think it already saves your eyes a lot by ditching the good old CTR monitors and replace them with LCD. I can remember squinting my eyes all the...
This game looks great. I'm definitly going to get me a copy!
IMO it really depends on how you tune your system in the end - I could throw all the power saving options and let it roar at a beastly 100% when...
Too much jibber jabber indeed, but cut the guy some slack! He's reveling in utter glory about those shades! lol They're nice indeed... might...
"The Secret World" I'm amazed this hasn't caught anyone's attention yet. Looks very promising, even if it's shrouded in mysteries for now......
Really dissapointed that DNF never launched, was really looking forward to that game! Together with Doom and Castle Wolfenstein, Duke Nukem was...
I remember playing AVP2 with Kayno back in 1999, we were always alien and sometimes marines. Just killing everybody! Good memories... Yep so this...
Throw the deep frozen turkey into boiling oil! Probably won't end well for the both of you, but all the cool guys do it. You're cool... right bro?
A friend of Bl4d3 can't be bad... even if its a cool nab. you'll whip him into shape lol I just stand and watch :D
I remember this fella, he was with us when we tried to do that Leprathist quest in the citadel where the mobs were so bugged we eventually gave up...
Charger FTW - Even though I most of the time miss the charge and pummel, nothing beats bitch slapping somebody in submission and then charge away...
That is insanely well done!