Looked over it; I don't think I could support any more MMOs considering I am already waiting for Crowfall and CU (mostly CU).
Console RF? I doubt this is an traditional MMO if anything they will use the game world and previous design to build something new.
The whole principal of this game is weird to me. It doesn't seem to do anything massively special other than be a variation on Smite and the MOBA...
Sick video; I am pretty sure my computer would melt with those skill animations.
Interesting. I spent a lot of time on this game when I was younger and while I loved chip wars, pit bosses, voting, and PvP nature of the game I...
Source: http://massivelyop.com/2016/03/29/massively-op-podcast-episode-57-camelot-unchaineds-mark-jacobs/ After taking in scads of questions from...
Just to update the community on this game in case anyone else has been following. Founder's has launched on Steam while the rest of the game is...
Friend brought home a DK2 this weekend so we dicked around on that for a little bit with the new SDK. Overall the new technology is pretty...
There is a few Aion people left but not many depending on the era you played in launch/afterwards with Kit. Always good to see friendly faces...
Is there a particular thing you are trying to benchmark for like 4k, VR, a certain game? Because if the answer is no, then better off waiting to...
I think everyone called this awhile ago, it was dead in the water for a long time.
Looks fantastic, if I wasn't already swamped with games I would buy it.
Glad these are coming out and the Vive is priced pretty reasonably but I can't even imagine dropping the $ on the hardware at the moment when I'll...
Source: https://forums.dust514.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=225484 tldr; end of dust, confirmation that a new FPS is being worked on in the UE4...
I'll be on for an hour (or two) tonight 8-10EST. I'll keep an eye out but send me a message in TS3 if you log on the server.
From the video reviews I watched, the game is really looking like a wait and see for myself. It could have enough content to be enjoyable after...
Congrats : D, I always found this fight really amusing and fun in the lower levels but apparently stomach duty in Heroic is a pain. All aboard...
Snagged a code as well. I don't think I play to play it (even more so with new B&S content releasing) but free games are fun to try for a few hours.