looks like a game that I have been looking for :) I wonder when they will release it in NA/EU
Amazing game, definitely a GOTY candidate.
[IMG] Oranje FTW !
I wonder if you could upgrade mine to make it even more awesome
Mark Morgan’s “Vault Archives†is remastered and mixed full-bandwidth soundtrack from old-classic “Fallout†games (24 tracks)....
well pacific is gmt+8 and utc is gmt+0 so Day 1: Friday 4/16/10: 12pm - 10pm Pacific / 7pm - 5am UTC = 4/16/10 20:00 - 6:00 4/17/10 Day...
Yeah now whos gonna prove Higgs boson existence ? as appli said before atm CERN > Fermilab
"Rest in pieces", "It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I am all out of gum" I loved that game :<
Well if I were you I would just use MAC identification and wont use any encryption. It's more secure then WEP and your net speed wouldn't be affected.
quoted for truth WEP is as secure as hookers virginity, it take less than 5 mins to get whole key just by sniffing. Imo if your problems are not...
:eek: pwnd
gl with app
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JciyoGmnGyo&feature=player_embedded#t=322 controlled leak imo, but I have to say that it looks cool
students should have them for free trough msdna academy, at least I am getting all MS OS that way :P
gl with app :)
Sure right now I got a lot of good stuff from Czech republic :D
1. Age (18+ Requirement): 22 2. Name (Forum & IGN): Hashu 3. Location + Timezone: Poland GMT+1 (can change from time to time) 4. Class:...