Whisper Limegreen in-game.
Can you be on tomorrow?
What gems would you have if you could afford them. Go over the ones you have on now and what you would replace them with if any.
1. Elitistjerks and MMO-Champion both recommend 2 in Fel Synergy over 2 in Demonic Embrace. Can you tell me why you chose more stamina over...
Please log out in your PvE gear for a proper review.
Whisper Limegreen or Sogetsu in game.
Whisper Limegreen or Sogetsu in game
It appears you're not exalted with anything yet either. Did you just hit 85 on this character?
6 unenchanted items Missing Ebonsteel Belt Buckle Being fully gemmed and enchanted is a necessity for progression raiding. I've noticed you have...
Does armory have you in what you consider to be your PvE gear?
All videos are up. Watson almost quadrupled the next highest score, yet he knows nothing about a keyboard!
ZLdkJpAtt1I FXH7jn2AHAw PHhDLUVAtqU HR2_M8kL_3o l2_fM6e9AiA DHGu0-p-3QQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLdkJpAtt1I...
Wouldn't curving armor so drastically to fit a persons build reduce the overall strength, making it easier to penetrate and/or break?