Interesting. A drug delivery system? What, are they going to build a mini atomic box with a mini atomic siphon to suction the medication out of it...
I'm signing up for this in LoL. Joining Cool Story Brah team if no one else is interested =x Edit: Nvm wow it's the only one that already started :(
It appears to be an awesome fighting staff, but I'm pretty sure you can just carve one out of a large branch anytime you want. Friggin' ripoff.
I always pronounced it A-SEUSS like Dr. Seuss. 'A-Suss' produces flecks of spittle it's really obviously not meant to be spoken. Like trying to...
It's only stifling in the short run. The major production companies can just tighten their belts and reinvent the wheel right after a nice 24%...
Those pushups look like they'd wreak havoc from your scapula.. Just sayin' is all.
Ahhh! A coupon! Send it back! Send it back!
Oh wow it's Corltan. You went to the army?? Did you end up deployed? I thought you were going to be a chef or something.. :) Hope you're...
I use the same method about an inch or so away from the edge of the desk. My reaction speed and accuracy are good enough to flick headshots pretty...
What I'm trying to say is that the top of the line mouse designs aren't inherently flawed in ergonomics. You'd need to be far from average in hand...
HAHAHA not sayin'! No kidding? I heard a myth about stuff like that when I was still in grade school, but then again Richard Gere's been...
Not sure what they meant by small, the Razer Naga has 12 thumb buttons? It's my understanding that they're both extremely ergonomic with high DPI...
I guess this was vaguely announced last year, but the official release date is slated around the same time as when the Heart of the Swarm...
Any gear appearance changes over time? Definitely a major factor in MMO gaming.
WTH was that Seagate HD even doing on the market? Great storage capacity, but 5900 RPM in this day and age? Hard to believe that's what their R&D...
According to Max PC they're ($180) next quarter, which is pretty comparable. Edit: I use the Carcharias BTW and can def vouch for Razer making an...