Welp gots me my X1 =3. Now gotta wait 7 months for Watch Dog to come out Q_Q Bring on Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Kingdom Hearts 3 and...
Huh? Almost any fantasy game will look like another fantasy lol. Bless is a Tab targeting game with some skills that can targeted to a spot of the...
Well ToR did feel like playing WoW just in space and with cutscenes.
lol... I would thought so. Ya when I saw this I was like I bet Saff seen this since he like anime
Looks pretty cool. P5ed4aDdWEM
Well you could use it as software for the the company or what ever....... but if they found out what it really was for then ya you prob have to...
Oh I know what I was meaning I was hoping that we dont have the issues that past Korea MMOs had with massive battles if bless supports them. We...
The only thing I hope its not poorly optimized or suffers the well in Korea everything works just fine in mass PvP but NA/EU everything lag like...
Whats wrong that its a NA company making wildstar or that NcSOft most likely will push for a Korean version 1st before releasing here.
There was no L3 coding or L3 used items to be founded in TERA.... BHS appealed the 1st ruling and won and NcSoft tried to appeal the appeal and...
"Xbox is marketing itself as more of an all-in-one entertainment device, meaning a lot of more casual gamers and non-gamers with families will...
Someone buys into the rumormill
Beta test starts at the beginning of 2014 for Bless and if all goes well it will go live at the end of 2014 so prob 2015..... The only bad thing...
really now? same really can be said about the ps3.... took how long for the ps3 to really shine and bring in the money. Anywho the console...
SO after MS spent how much on there Bing campaign against Google? Elop would also try to sharpen the company’s focus and would make a...
Ya Im hoping its good..... So far some of the stuff iv seen kinda looks like AION combat style but not every skill roots you in place and some of...
On NcSoft site it still list it as one of there games http://global.ncsoft.com/global/gamenservice/playncgames.aspx?game=LE&category=MMO But...
The lawsuit was justifiable but everyone knew why they did it..... Also Lineage Enternal is basically Diablo just with Lineage lore and theme...
Well did not help NcSoft was suing BHS bc they where mad and butt hurt then turned around and tried to sue EME just to hit TERA devs money. NcSoft...