Yep. But im sorry the plastic looking hair bothers me sooooo badly
DDR4? thought it was DDR3 then DDR5
Whats the best RAM for gaming usage thast about 8GB or 12GB from frys or Tirger/Egg to get thats a decent and not over the top price? I looked...
IDK some reason I like the look of Bless over BD
Basiclly what Kanect or what ever for Ps4 was kinda meant to be
*cough* TERA was like this but the player base QQed and now you can port to the instance from any where which the instance match maker*cough* At...
What I find funny the Devs are still promoting WS as a ThemePark/ SandBox MMO......
Well housing gives you something else to do then just pveing and pvping it also stop players from getting burnt out on the game just like fishing...
Alot of players are QQing about the ground boxs..... but the devs did say they can be turned of I think Not sure where he gets off saying...
there are some "raid" PvP here and there..... well idk about know but when I tried the game during BC launch people raided the towns and PvP. I...
Im in got my key =3
Still to me feels like they rushing it a bit out of beta to fast.......... i will wait to see how release turns out I still have a bad taste from ToR
Again still going to keep my opinion of the ToR thing........ Also wonder why they are pushing it for a sooner release date?
I did not think it was corny it got me intrigued in the game
I liked Dishonored and I do think it won alot of awards to
huh? There are some Korean games with no grind really at all...... well depending what you are calling grind since WoW, GW2, ToR and FF has grind...
I dont think its coming from NcSoft but from carbine studios
Again.......... on WildStars site it says they are mixing Sandbox and ThemePark elements. Some of those games on there sites the devs calling them...
Im just going to stand by my statement that it seems like another ToR and will get the same ToR treatment. Maybe not happen as fast but it will