Why do they look so overpowered?
YOU FOOL, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO LIST THEM! 1. User CP 2. Edit Signature 3. Browse 4. Upload 5. Save 6. ?? 7. Profit!!
Hey Cox, how do I put a picture as my signature? It bugs me.
O wait found it [IMG]
Now do the long cat one where it passes through multiple dimensions.
o m g
LOL@the church one
Right click the picture, select view image. FOOLS!!
Lev, right click it and select View Image, it should load almost instantly.... almost...
http://antispore.com/ The dude talks about how spore goes against god or some shit ( i really don't know cause I didn't bother reading it,...
They're both fine... you're only on there for like half an hour a day, who the hell cares?
You're so lame Berch. How are you?
Cox, you know the took out Choppas out right?
Yes. Now it's mine, muahahahaha.
Exactly ^^
I heard about this waaay back in June. It was supposed to be turned on in August, but I guess it was delayed. That basically means that if there...
Cecil kicks ass.
If you were a whale, would you learn to walk on land and oppress us?
I don't own a DS but I burrowed my friends like a week ago, I haven't stopped playing it since cause its awesome, mostly because its got like 20...