:( I WAS JK!!!!! LOL! But seriously, what IS the internet coming to?
And me? Please?
http://jalopnik.com/5134488/presidential-gatling-gun+equipped-suburban-badder-than-new-cadillac-limo Seriously badass.
Lol wut? You realize TONS of people can die from this, not just the terrorists.
Lol, you're crazy man, I like you but you're crazy!
Haha, I remember this, funny as hell. I also felt bad for him mostly because the dumb bitch started it. Imo she deserved it, I don't think it was...
Let's all just have a nice friendly game of chess? Well, how about it?
I honestly can't tell, are you fucking serious or what? Did your wife actually leave you? Cause that's sad dude, I don't think i'd be playing...
It's up.
Has anyone heard of this guy yet? I went to the City and Color(Colour?) concert at the Fillmore in Detroit last night, and he was one of the...
N/m then, if she's ugly as sin.. he's still not creepy, just desperate. That should cheer you up then.
Lol, you're all hypocrites. Tell me at some point in your life, you won't think about banging some high school piece of ass (legally of course)....
Don't burn your PS3, that guy is coo-coo. Oh, and pix plz ^^
Thats awesome.
I don't get it. It's just another keyboard. Isn't your typing related to your co-ordination? Basically the faster you move your hands and are able...
So according to me, and the current state of our governments, there is no solution? Being a pessimist rox.
Sounds like you're trying to give power to more and more people, increasing the chances that someone corrupt will be one of those people, and fuck...
Haha. It sounds like Lizzy had a gr8 time, too bad her dad wasn't there.
Fuck when it starts to snow up here in Igloo Country, I gotta shovel all that shit off my driveway, FUCK!