Holland 2 : Brazil 1, Stick that in your pipe and smoke it! Yes it needed a own goal and a red card, but a win is a win :D! Holland to win it ^_^!
It is a game, I've made my own on a PCB :)! Can't be bothered to program in my own ideas though, tad boring!
I use android, for various reasons. I find iOX is waayy too restrictive and not fun to use. Also programming for the iPhone is a bitch since apple...
Never really liked the medal of honour series.. don't know why since im a massive fps junkie.
Started now, won my first game by a lot. Pwned face.
Well as England are out, Im now backing Netherlands :)! One of my favorite teams, I really think they can give a good show this cup.
If you look at every person in our squad, versus Germany's players, we should of won. Its just our team cant play together at all. I don't know if...
Well I still have a few competitive games to finish in HoN, so maybe I'll visit LoL a bit later :)! Im sure my HoN skillzzz can be transfered over...
May give it a bash then, hardly anyone in XoO plays HoN :(!
Woo :D! Joining up now!
No offence, but LoL just seems a bit kiddy compared to HoN. All of the mechanics seem less competitive. But then again, I've never played it so I...
It really depends on what type of invention. If it is, say, a electronic device you can start the coding (if you're using a microprocessor) and...
Nice job guys, I only play HoN ;)!
Its PS3 only isnt it? A friend of mine has it.. its one of the reasons I want a PS3 ;)!
Did anyone play Fallen Earth then? That tried to be a post apoc MMO. It was terrible..
Morrowind > Oblivion > Fallout u mad? Good find, signing up now.
*puts down his gameboy* EMULATORS? Whatevveerr! ;) [IMG]
Crap! I was designing a system like this in my spare time :\! On demand over the web video game solution :(!
Wicked!! ... you monster : D!