Exactly right. We have such a big system here at the moment that its a mammoth of a task to upgrade. This is same for nearly every 'service' here...
Seems a bit expensive for what you want it for..
This was posted in the youtube thead already, 3 times :P! There is also a good song about it!
Looks good, thanks for the heads up!
but.. but.. APPS!!!!! xD
Super Mario Bros, Dennis Hopper of course.. Couldnt help myself sorry :p
Just because they have millions doesnt mean it'll be any good. I'd like to see more of a project MMO. Something like Second Life that can be...
Tbh i thought it was a good game! Also I would rather have one side win by a goal in last minute of ET then by penalties! Sucks Holland lost...
I agree
Hmm, I've got my own ones that arnt on the market. I've also rooted my phone to get access to other things... Best normal apps I would say are...
This has been around for years and years. Great game, used to have a few bugs but was fun to play.
Loved the first one, gonna love the second!
Well I am not 'officially' in the RN yet. In the application process to become a Air Engineer Office, hopefully being attached to a Merlin...
Hehe, its all in good jest ;)! I would like to go round some american ships, but havent had the chance. And yes, I am a sexy brit!
Was visiting HMS Lancaster, walked past a American sub (didn't see the name and couldn't recognize the class). Gotta say, I laughed a bit!...
I think messy is a extreme understatement. Try it out, unless you use a API to do this, I bet it wont work. HTML parsing is a b*tch, especially...
Doesn't look that good. I wouldnt use my tv for that, whats the point? OMG i can totally go on youtube and check my emails on my TV. Oh wow, guess...
Well have you actually coded before? You need the android SDK for starters and you need to get your head around how to use it. Also I recommend...
I'm a student :D! Just graduated with a degree in Computer Systems Engineering (BEng), and got accepted into Imperial College London to do a...