Good read! Its also good they havnt got rid of the MASSIVE amount of blood spray (from the pics). Hey look I killed one rat.. AND EVERYTHING IS...
Sup, I play with girls and stuff
Nice one guys for getting this organised! Always good to get XoO in the NeWs!
Will be downloading it tonight maybe once my internet is sorted out. Same opinion as doctorie to be honest, don't know what to expect! I'm used to...
Lots of free beta keys for World of Tanks! Just enter your email and you get a key.
Awesome :D! Im SirCuddles! I was Allied High Command Chief of the RAF (forgotten the official title). I just flew and flew, tanks were alright but...
Depends. I normally have it on my smaller screen (I have a 19" and a 24").
Whoops. Late at night and I couldnt be bothered to read 3 pages ^^! Applied to the BETA! Who else is playing this? Was looking at the...
If they keep it historical there is gonna be a shite ton of balance issues. Looks good though, I play a lot of WW2/WW1 games (like Batteground...
Bai, Come back for GW2 please ^^!
Wow, looks exactly like Fable 2. Still gonna get it though, love Fable!
Just saying. To the people who are saying we should be further ahead. What are you actually doing, what are you contributing to the human race...
Both girls and mates offering!
In Flames - Clayman. This always reminds me of GW prophecies!
I was at a nightclub last night, sober because I was driving. I got offered drinks like FIVE times! FIVE TIMES! Which i had to politely turn down....
Played this with 3 of my friends last night before we went out. Was bloody funny :D! I rolled into a pit and died and my other mate was stood...
Well I use Opera Mini on my HTC Magic (sooo old), and it doesnt. Don't know about the default browser though.
To be honest.. I found spore quite fun! Apart from space age, it was quite engaging!
Bollocks. You go round the English countryside and find a nice pub. Sit in said pub, drink a nice lager or whatever takes your fancy. Order a big...
Will probs grab the Droid X when it makes its way to europe. I think it looks better than the Evo myself.