Was noticing a pattern. " I will not rage incoherently if I die, but I do however get mad if people are doing dumb things." "will be the guy that...
I have been talking to Rebel Dawn in chat for a while now. They seem alright from that pov. He has issues with his mic atm, but it's a new...
I'm a bit of an Andy Kaufman fan so humor on occasion falls off edge of what is funny and goes for shock value.
Guess it's too late to put NSFW in the title. Guess it's too late to delete lol. Try not to blame me too much for your eyes getting burned....
Hey look I'm visiting myself...*sigh* [IMG] GW2HammerTime2 by Bradadada, on Flickr
If you look closely she looks like Elvis. *note curled lip*
You could get a bunch of gamers to move to KS. Make biggest LAN party ever. Or just move there to get a 10ms connection in pvp. [media]
Guild Wars 2 ApplicationHow old are you? 45 In-Game Name? Zoiks Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your prefered playstyle? Both...