That was just amazing imho! [media]
Wait for AMD 200 RX Series. They should be released very soon.
I would not upgrade personally. Win7 is pretty much what XP was, a fucking solid OS at this point. In regards to sli, i've had many issues with...
Hahaha Lailana, this is your song =]
PC or bust =]
Yeah, in 10ish years we'll be seeing more and more movies made like that i bet. With 2-3 real actors for main roles.
Well it was pretty impressive, but when is it all coming out? As PR stated, the video is pretty old.
Final specs: Radeon R9 290X - 4 Independent Tessellation Units - ~3,000 Stream Processors - 512-bit Memory Interface - 4GB Video Memory - DirectX...
Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition.
At what resolution you plan on playing BF4 on?
utorrent client all the way easy to setup etc, should work without any hitches and very lightweight
Not really sure why they picked Joel Kinnaman for Robocop.
You can always reset your password or ask admins to look into your account. sPvP - is that solo pvp?
QFT =]
Hmm crusader certainly peaked my interest, but is D3 still shit for loot? I mean amount of sets and uniques etc.
Woot! Nice =]
Xen font pack has like 30 different fonts. Which one specifically you having issues with? Also have you tried Photoshop?
Looks fing fantastic! [media]
Warning 18+ [SPOILER]