D! Long time no see =] Well for 700$ id pick this Asus notebook with nvidia 840m....
Id go with the onne that has gtx870m video card. But all in all i prefer desktops over laptops.
http://deals.kinja.com/gaming-peripherals-gold-box-1611045795/+shepmcallister G13 for 39$ is a steal imho.
Let me guess, US only ? =( WTB Canadien disscount.
1. Char model at char creation screen looked kinda weak imho. 2. Loved everything else =] [MEDIA]
Full schedule. [IMG]
http://www.twitch.tv/citystategames The BSC Days of July will be starting at 10AM EDT/2PM GMT today. Live Gameplay will be shown at 5:30pm EST.
Yeah, kinda need to know what you want on your banner. boobs, gaming, movies ? =]
I had to post =] [MEDIA]
Thanks for the heads up
Youtube is your biggest help on visual help to building a pc. Here is one for example. [MEDIA] Or neweggs 3 part building/installing series....
Thats alot of movie Drives =] Q, just get something like new Crucial mx100 series SSD 512gb@200$...
Thats it! Im filing for divorce.
Looking for someone who will be buying it and playing on 30th(release). Im on EST btw. Can play from 10am est - 10pm est with a 1.5 hour break...
Que i might have found a solution to your casse problem. Lan Box. Cooler Master has a pretty good one....
Instead of gigabyte video card, id take evga for the same price. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487003