So the raccoon is a playable race lol
Ive read they are moving all their "studios" out of San Fernando and towards San Diego, apparently the law only covers LA county ...
omg how many hours of Xwing vs Tie Fighter did you log on that thing ?
Well I figured you would care considering now you wont have to take all those money shots to the grille ......
yeah weird camera angles, more pop culture references and lightsabers .... not a bad idea
looks all porn now filmed in California is going to require condoms now ..... good and bad I guess
Ill guard Kyoji lol
dude ..... obvisously if Tom Hanks can carry anti-matter in a small case in a movie, then this biology stuff must be a cake walk .....
Tom is greater than you !!!
wait is that the bike from Akira ? where are the clowns ?
Can anyone elaborate on "hard to get used to" thanks Gru
Like the toyota gas pedal sticking problem ? yah quality and shitty NiCad batteries that will destroy the enviroment with no answers from Toyota...
I think that is kind of dated thinking, Harley produces some quality products, the stigma comes from people always taking their Harleys apart to...
Neil Pert and Tommy Lee eat your heart out ......
Interplay got Marchand'd
I prefer the American iron and steel .... [IMG]
Duke Nukem .... what ?
You could always occupy UPS, that whole movement really garnared up quite a bit of repsect from the rest of the country ..... (end sarcasm)
Wow not much to complain about after seeing that footage I did not think it was all that dirty of "hit" to begin, that guys was going to make a...