And now, a word from Broruk. "That's right numero DOS, the Iron Reaver, has been downed on the Mythic difficulty! That's right boys and girls...
After an extended period of building our roster the first of 13 mythic encounters in HfC has been defeated. With 12 more encounters remaining we...
You can either add me (Kuulinn or Kuulin#1637) or pester some one who's online and we'll get you an invite anytime you want. When you get leveled...
Inquire in guild about possibly getting in on the alternate nights to gear up if you are interested.
I hate you Roch. <3
Contact me in game (Kuulinn) and we'll start getting you in as soon as we can.
Catch me in game (Kuulinn) or add my battle tag Kuulin#1631 so we can chat and get you started with your trial.
Looks solid to me, I'll make sure Zath takes a look tonight so we can get back to you with a definitive answer. The only question I have is do...