Thank you for the application pulse. When we evaluate applications we hope to see that an individual can spend a few moments and put in an honest...
Hello Ceriph! Thank you for the application; its always nice to see someone really interested in the competitive side of GW2. However, before we...
Thank you for the application Trainwreck. Before we continue with an interview, can you elaborate a bit on a few of your answers, as they are a...
Accepted and on Probation
Accepted and on probation.
I sent you another PM in case ER's did not come through as I was told. -BSM
Accepted and on Probation.
Hi Doucet, I'll be sending you a private message so that we can chat a bit about XoO and your goals and intentions. Keep an eye on your inbox so...
Hi Spark, its nice to see an "older" gamer her interested in the guild. One of us will be getting in touch with you very soon to coordinate an...
Thank you for the application bujiko. One of us will be getting in contact with you via these forums, likely a private message to arrange for an...
We appreciate the application but our guild only considers individuals over the age of 18, mostly because of what doc and kyoji have in mind for...
Thank you for your application Rollin. It sounds like you already have TS, which is great. A private message will be sent your way in order to...
Thank you for considering XoO as your guild of choice in GW2. One of us will be contacting you soon to arrange an interview via Teamspeak....
Thank you for your application Sov, one of us will be sending you a private message via these forums soon to arrange an interview. Best, -BSM
Hey friend, I see that you have a bit of pressure with all of the new applications, but was wondering if you could add me to the in-game guild....
Apparently you really need some GW2. :D
I'm new to XoO, but wanted to extend a friendly "welcome back." Best to all, -Blood
I just dropped for the Digital Dlx Edition. Can't wait!
Happy Easter!
It would be awesome to have a full 8 for HA tomorrow. I'm in if others are interested. Anyone want to post a build so we can roll toons...