Seems very level headed and willing to participate in guild activities. Accepted and on Probation.
I'll be sending you a PM to arrange an interview. Keep an eye on your private messages.
Thank you for the application Imitation. We generally look for more effort put into applications, specifically those that contain mainly one-line...
Player never answered the private message to set up an interview. Please review your PM records as well as the email account that you you have...
Thanks for the application splake.
I'll be sending you a PM to arrange an interview. Thanks for the application.
Port has done everything right to try to get an interview, but my schedule has prevented a proper execution. I need someone to step up and make...
Thank you for your application, I am out of town on a work assignment until Tuesday night or Wed. One of our officers will get in touch with you....
Thank for for the application, I'll be sending you a PM shortly.
Thanks for the application port, I'll be sending you an private message to discuss a time/date for an interview.
Accepted and on Probation. I'd like all of you to welcome Clean Sloth/ Wet Shoes in Teamspeak when you can. He seems like a very reasonable,...
Accepted and on Probation Ceriph seemed very level headed and is very interested in joining up w/ our sPvP members and running w/ WvW events. -BSM
..........................and its back up, if you are around, the interview will happen, if not we can reschedule. -BSM
Ceriph, Thank you very much for scheduling an interview for tonight, however, there is a problem with out TS3 server. Our scheduled time is in...
Thanks for the application CS. I'll be sending you a PM to arrange for an interview shortly- I can't do an interview tonight because I have 2...
Accepted and on Probation
Thanks for clarification. I'm sending you a PM to schedule an interview. Cheers, -BSM
That is a great response. I will send you a PM on these forums tomorrow- I'm getting tired in game.