Not now ¬_¬
Whats with all the hate :(
Welcome shane! [img]
Another friend of Icewolf <3 Insho or Eskara will post soon to arrange a vent meeting with you, hold tight :)
Indeed :D You can picture it now! Team Gladiator, running around timing the Destructive Blow :D
Get him in :3
Friend of Icewolf? get him in!
Unfortunately your entry has been denied, you're a year late.
Was you by anychance in a clan called TiC on xbox?
What guilds have you been in on WoW
I may make a FPS comeback for this one..
Blizzard themselves have already answered that question and stated that releasing 2 games at the same time is not a problem for them, they said...
ITS BY THE CREATORS OF DOTA.... its DOTA 2.0 with a new engine.... Btw, incase...
ITS BY THE CREATORS OF DOTA.... its DOTA 2.0 with a new engine....
Twilight will like this one
Lol plappa.. Not you..
Kyoji is awesome
Nvm my post, a misunderstanding.