yeah I have maybe a 200 slot CD folder full of old games.. I will never sell them, simply because getting much less than I paid for it is just not...
oh wow, I didn't see all those sales when I posted this. the THQ pack... OOOOH that's tempting
It's on steam for $6.80!:eek:
speed bump
Last day! SUNDAY Dragon Age: Origins - $26.79 Dragon Age: Origins Digital Deluxe Edition - $33.49 Dragon Age: Origins Awakening - $29.99...
doh I missed a day.... (I guess it was "Racing day") heres todays tho Mirror's Edge - $4.99 Dead Space - $9.99 SPORE - $26.79 SPORE Creepy &...
plop plop fizz fizz
yep i'm really bored with fantasy mmo's too. this is a welcome change.
The Founding Member Program presented by AT&T will be accepting signups beginning at 12:01 PM PDT on June 15, 2010 and continuing through 11:59 PM...
lol Looks really cool. love the style and graphics look nice. I hope they can pull it off because I will gladly drop everything I'm doing for...
awesome! been waiting a long time for this!
lolwut? Lists? :confused: Like mp3 play lists?
EA WEEK SUNDAY Dragon Age: Origins - $26.79 Dragon Age: Origins Digital Deluxe Edition - $33.49 Dragon Age: Origins Awakening - $29.99 Dragon...
The new skin is hawt yo. I like it much, GJ!
a guy with dyslexia walks into a bra.
looks awesome. the transition from space to planets looks really well done. I just hope its not wasted. like the planets being hella small or...
I know I can just go to the website for this, but I would like to hear it from the "fan" stand point.. but, what is PAX like? in a nut shell...
I like toast
This last winter we didn't heat our house. got so cold we had icicles on the INSIDE of our windows. only room that stayed warm was our computer...