My old Labtech died and I got a cheap Plantronics from NewEgg and it seems to work okay.
I might be there one way or another. Currently looking into a job up that way now as well.
I use the same host and didn't have down time then so I think it was not DOS. Hosting there is really pretty cheap for a lot of bandwidth and...
I use XP on an older machine and a laptop I use for gaming, and I use Vista on my newer gaming machine. I like Vista more right now, but both...
Someone has to write porn reviews . . .
What if you got a free or discounted subscription to WAR or WoW or whatever for viewing an ad each time you logged in? Anyway, there are a lot...
MMOs are looking into a couple different models for advertising in games, from inobtrusive to very in your face. It will be interesting to see...
Just noticed today was her big day!
I get this same issue on occasion with my desktop running Vista. Basically I am cruising at 60FPS then it drops to like 10 for no reason when I...
Sounds like the server needs to be restarted.
Ah then she knows me as well as we've met 2-3 times when I was up visiting.
I posted some pics and a write-up over at my blog: Be warned it is very Guild Wars oriented though.
I'll post some pics when I get home. I was able to meet up with a bunch of the GW folks there which was fun. I'll be writing up some interviews...
Have a good one dash!
I am around - but I am PST mostly.
Apparently it's somewhat game dependent as well. Games that were originally developed for the XBox 360 while also co-published for the PC are...
Now this is some cool news! I loved D2 and plan on playing D3 for sure!
I am going to try to go. I think Damus and Eighty will probably be there as well.
I swear like a sailor on many occasions - mostly because I was a sailor and the son of a sailor. I also have several advanced degrees and what...
Gratz man!