If Sunshyne and swifty got into a fight who would win?
Is this thread just a sneaky way for you to stat pad your post count?
Yeah like seriously =p. I was at a birthday party and my neighbor and this other guy were arguing about Pokemon and it had to have been one of...
Yeah I don't really think this movie is made to please die hard star wars fans. More so a hook for the kids of today.
My god, at first I thought it was going to be lame but it was pretty funny lol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPn73Z7hC4g
Sometimes they lay side by side or one bends over, or even a pretzel.
Bernie was funny, I saw him for the first when I went to see "The Kings of Comedy".
Gonna start playing again, would be nice to see some familiar faces!
And I love it. Cost me 145 bucks(4gb version) and it does so much more than just play music! It's not an ipod touch, but it didn't cost as much...
They walmarts in Canada?
Eh I'm telling you guys just buy from a store with a replacement plan.
lol, but good stuff.
I think most places will give a replacement plan for things under 200 bucks. So if you get a blue tooth headset you can still get the plan. It...
You can buy a really good headset and buy a replacement plan. That what I plan to do. So you get amazing quality and if it breaks you can keep...
Yay the single tax is pretty awesome. The biggest thing newegg has over ncix is selection though. But then again thats mainly because its from...
He should have made a meatspin link that was actually a rick roll. A Rick Spin.
Til this day I have not seen meatspin =p.
Doubt newegg can beat ncix unless they locate in BC. If you buy from ncix and live outside of BC you pay only one tax, for me thats 5% vs 13%...
As awesome as Rick Astley is, I'm getting tired of getting rick rolled >_<.
CoH was my first real game with XoO so it has a place in my heart. If this pans out I could see myself playing it over warhammer...maybe.