sending ts info
yeah i thought it would be cheesey but was really fun, the damn dogs kicked my ass. new one looks promising
let IronjawXoO or MinaAkira know when youre in game
hey did you get all reinvited etc dany?
@Danyboi reach out to us and re-app with your updated info and we can talk
moved to denied, did not catch for initial interview let me know if still interested
moved to denied, no response after missing initial interviews. let me know if still interested
Welcome to the club will get you in tomorrow. Maybe catt or someone else can walk you through integration
Hey guys welcome to the club will get you in tomorrow. Maybe one of the other officers can get you squared away with permissions ahead of time....
So the owners computer has been having issues locking up and crashing and generally running slow. The major issue is his PC will restart for an...
whispered in discord, not in game sunday
not online sunday night
Congrats guys!
sending you the info
@DARKTIDE!! In pretty sure your forum name was your RL name for a few months
Names of officers are listed in the right of the message with ts info. Best bet is to hop in to TS and hang out until someone grabs you. It's...
Word time to swipe that card
After months of my check being in the mail I finally have my PC money, any last minute changes? Anything to wait for or upgrade? Or am I clear to go
ill be on for a bit, a few officers are on tho. people head to bed earlyish with the patch tomorrow. if i go to sleep @Swain can talk to you,...