That bad eh?
Lol this amazing
Sounds good welcome to the family, make sure to do the TS integration and join the BDO user group
sending you the ts info, sorry was busy today
I believe @Kitzy got you all squared away right? just make sure to do the ts integration etc if you havent
i dragged you into channel let me know if youre on
I thought crowfall or someone else was utilizing discord too
No problem man, I saw your comments. I will be around most of the weekend
sending you the info
welcome to the club, sending you the info
Moving this to denied, let us know if you setup the interview
hookup with an officer to do all the integratiosn so you can see the forums etc
not interviewed yet by me
couple guys are playing that new wildlands game
Looking good, always nice to have some living breathing people who can work on the site!
welcome to the club looking forward to having you guys as part of the team
approved, make sure to join the BDO user group. looks like you did ts integration already
sending ts info