For all you console owners.... Currently TVersity is doing a promo where they are allowing users to download their TVersity Pro for free...
...should keep me entertained for awhile :). Unreal Anthology for PC Item# $4.90 USD 1 $4.90 USD Grand Theft Auto: Classics Collection for...
Its time for another GoGamer post :) They are going pretty quick...list is not current, good time to pick up some oldies and some newies at a...
I cant either...quit using my G15 for gaming (FPS) when Dash turned me onto one of these. Curves are good :)
The new one has only 6 G keys, though it also has 3 pages of them (m1-3) so you have 1-6 on m1, 1-6 on m2...and so on, (Top left 3 smaller buttons...
Link Apply Stackable Coupon Code = SVN9846 Price: $99.99 Coupon: –$15.00 25% Acc. rebate: –$25.00 Final Price = $60 Shipped!
I took offense that they were going to delete my character because of its name (as per a chat with an ingame admin) :( Seems Morg is too close...
I think is mostly a case of server(s) overload...dont think they were expecting all this attention :)
There also seems to be an issue with the Authentication server overloading....guess they werent set up for such a large response. Probably need to...
UT99 rulez :)
it should be brown like pooo :).
For those who dont already this awesome set.... Orange Box Includes: Half Life 2 HL2: Episodes 1, 2, and Lost Cost Portal Team Fortress 2...
This looks like it will be a good deal in june its gonna be downloadable from XBLA and PSN for $15. ** PC gamers get it in September....
Oh no, squeeze bacon it the real thing.... google
This one is my favorite....bacon over bacon to add that just right amount of baconey taste to your bacon 0.o
Ah I see the issue...for some reason I entered the wrong code (1st code) when I posted....sorry for the confusion...fixed now should of been:...
G15 Keyboard - Dented Box $51 Shipped Coupons dealsplus_g154909 and Logi_thankyou brings it from $99 to $51 shipped. This is directly from...
Headset deal (and games) @ GoGamer's 24hr Madness sale...~$10 sipped. GoGamer is at it again with a 24hr madness sale. They have a good...
This is mostly for Dash since he isnt on Xfire presently :) If you do not have a "spare" headset, this would made a good standby in case yours...