I've been running a Minecraft server with some friends and it seems to have a strange problem. The server, right now, is running on my laptop at...
Just be careful with any emails received. I've received fake D3 beta invites already.
You guys should try Super Meat Boy. It's all about old school platforming. This is me playing the first of 14 worlds. iWzJvbGa7bg
True, but I'm sure there are Anons that have no interest in LulzSec or helping them. Referring to LulzSec is more direct, as they gave themselves...
And apparently want to show up anyone else who does something similar.
Thought I'd post a collection of coverage from E3, which started yesterday (Monday, June 6th). You can find a lot of the coverage at...
I recorded myself actually playing my Painting Clouds song and decided to share. Enjoy! Gsng45KBIUk MP3 downloadable at...
I just discovered this show and it's already one of my favorites. Can't wait for next season.
I just found this game recently. Not sure how I missed it before, but it looks cool. I'm just curious what it takes to build things and how big...
Hmm.. I suppose that makes it worth reconsidering. I was referring to how you can sit and chat with each person for a long time and have an...
Depending on what you're looking for, you might like Origins better. I did. Origins is a solid 10/10 for me, whereas DA2 is a good 8/10. In...
I had strange blackouts a while ago like that and it ended up being the RAM. You could try changing it out to see if it's a specific stick.
There would have to be some reason for existing porn sites to change domains. Otherwise, it won't really affect much. I wonder why they waited a...
Finished my first playthrough yesterday. Overall, I liked the game. Not as much as DA:O, but it's still a decent game. Hopefully DA3 gets more...
Interplay and Bethesda have been going through some lawsuits and stuff recently. From what I gathered, it seems like Bethesda gave Interplay the...
I don't know what to say other than: LOL
I don't know what that is, but it looks like a pile of fail.
Silent Hill Homecoming tried to be too much like SH2 and ended up being lame. I'm not sure what to make of this one yet, but I'm glad they...